Friday, February 6, 2009


I wish I had good news today, but I lost my job. Being a manager is great unless things are going so well, and then all the blame comes down on you. Oh well, I was beginning to get an itch for something new anyway...just wish I had found it before I lost my current job! So I am officially unemployed, which has its benefits. For example I decided to take a nice little mini vacation and drove down to Punta Gorda for a visit with my parents. And at least I don't have to get up at 7:30 every morning, no work on the weekends and no boss! But of course, my bank account is quickly getting smaller and smaller with no income! I will be spending a lot of time making new slugs and trying out some other new ideas. Please check out my shop on a regular basis and please please send everyone you know my way on Etsy. At least I have that little income to rely on right now, but I don't know how long I will be without a job and every little bit helps!


Sharon said...

I'm really sorry to hear you lost your job! That really sucks! The silver lining though is that now you'll get to work on you shop full time and maybe do things with it that you didn't have a chance to before!! I'm hoping for the best for you!! Good luck!